How Did I win to lottery

7 min readJun 15, 2021


I won the lottery. Many have asked me how I did it and what kind of thought process were I in before I bought the ticket. So I’m going to tell you guys my story.

Although I’ve never been a man of gambling, I would buy these lottery tickets at my local gas station whenever I had any spare change left over. They cost about 2 dollars each, which is next to nothing, so it wasn’t as if I wasted my salary or anything. I would just buy them whenever I felt unhappy with my job or my life. Just for the feeling of maybe, I would someday be rich.

My life wasn’t the easiest as I was born & raised by a single parent. My mom used to work odd jobs as she did not have proper education just to feed the 4 of us. We were really broke. And growing up without any knowledge of how the world works really put me at a disadvantage as I find it very hard to make a living.

I don’t know what my problem was, really. Bad chemistry with people, I suppose.
I thought everyone was kind of funny actually. And because of this, I get a lot of dislikes from my co-workers.

Anyway, one day, when I was REALLY broke, so broke that my rent was 3 months behind and I was this close to being evicted. Normally, I’d plead with my landlord telling her that I do not make a lot and I have a mother who I have to take care of. But this time she wasn’t having it, so she gave me 2 weeks to come out with the money or leave. So the next day I had no choice but to ask for an advance from my boss who was very stingy and often look down on me.

I got the advance but with interest and paid off the rent but then I realize now that I even more in debt. You have to understand that I also pay for my mother’s medical bills and my brother’s tuition at that time. I was only earning about 2k per month. I was so stressed out that I smoked a lot during that time but I thought to myself it will eventually get better, right?

No! After a few weeks, COVID hit and the restaurant that I was working at had to downsize and since I owed the company money, I wasn’t compensated when I got fired by them. I was devastated thinking how am I going to tell my family that I lost my job which was my own only income source. I went home and went straight to bed hoping that this will all be over when I wake up.

However, when I woke up at 3 in the morning, this strong sense of reality hit me that I need to have a source of income as my family & I did not have any savings. We would literally starve to death if I don’t find any money. Not to mention my mum’s asthma condition. So, I booted up my PC trying to look for any way to make money online fast and all I found was a bunch of scammers trying to make money out of poorer people.

Then I came across this article saying that for a quick buck one can try his luck on the lottery. And so I clicked on the link and went to the lottery site. I did some research on the site and it seems legit and you get to play on different lotteries around the world. At first, I was just thinking to myself should I waste the money on the lottery when we are already at the edge of starving to death? Then, I felt this almost overwhelming sensation come over me. My inner voice kept screaming that TODAY was a day when I HAD to buy a lottery ticket.
The feeling was so strong that I found myself thinking of how ridiculous it was. I’ve never been a superstitious man. Never believed in intuition or any such nonsense. I’ve always been a rational man who requires real evidence before I draw conclusions or form opinions about anything. But I also remember my friend telling me about the law of attraction. Ask and the universe will deliver.

So of course, I went ahead and bought a ticket from the site. I deposited the money just enough to buy one ticket. The buying process was pretty straight forward and within 3 hours I got my scanned ticket from the agent so I was pretty happy with the speed and legitimacy of their service. I got so anxious as there was still around 1 week until the draw date.

To combat my anxiety, I tried researching online on how can I increase the chance of me winning the lottery with the law of attraction. Many of the links directed me to YouTube videos with the Money Manifestation Title. So, I did listen to some of them, and they actually help me on going to sleep which is a good thing I guess? And I was listening to those videos for a week or so that I did not even realize the draw date was closing in.

One evening, after coming back from the part-time job that I was able to secure through a good friend of mine. I decided to check on the lottery and see if I won. When I look at the numbers, I was stunned for a long time.

I couldn’t believe it. Nobody ever won anything on these things. Never ever!
And yet, I somehow won the highest prize.

It was earth-shatteringly huge for me. 1 million to me, it was an enormous sum at that time. Not to mention how incredibly unlikely it was to win anything with these things!

With trembling hands, I ran over to my mum. Hug her and told her I won.

What’s wrong…?

Mum.” I said, “I think I won!

She stared at me. She was just as surprised as I was.

What do you mean you won? Nobody has ever won!

I gave her the ticket. She stared at it. She stared at it a lot.
She kept staring at it for over a minute and then said:

I think you won.


We contacted my brother and ordered take-out dinner that night. It was the best dinner that I’ve ever tasted in my life.

After dinner, I contacted the site and they told me that I was only able to pick up the prize after 3 months which was a bummer. But still, I got very happy and God! I just wanted to run downtown right away. I felt like throwing off all my clothes and just dancing over there, singing show tunes or something!

But I had to be patient. In 3 more months, I had to be patient.

It was torture. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep. I put the ticket on my table in the living room and kept checking every 5 minutes that it was still there.
During the nights I was restless and kept twisting and turning in bed.
I managed to get 10 minutes of sleep here, and 20 minutes of sleep there.
And all my short dreams were nightmares I dreamt that I went down to collect my prize, only to be informed that my ticket was fake or faulty…

But I helped a lot being knowing that I have 30k in cash every year for 30 years, I started becoming more positive. I started looking out for a proper job. And I still do listen to the money manifestation video every night hoping that I will get another chance of winning it again.

After 3 months, the money was transferred to my account and I choose the option of annuity which means I will be splitting my prize to 10 years which is around 100k per year.

Everything was fine now compared to where I was a few months ago. I sailed out of there and suddenly felt better than I ever have in my life. The sun was shining. The sky was blue. People smiled at me.

What did I do with the money?

I went and had a nice meal with my family, and then I bought a PlayStation 4 and some games. Get my mum better medical care and bought a second-handed car for myself so that my brother & I no longer have to walk everywhere now.
Someone else might’ve done something more useful, I still kept some of the money in my bank account. Just to remind me that I will not want to go through poverty again.

And I know those don’t come around all that often. So I enjoyed mine.

For those of you who still wonder which site helped to get my million, this would be the lottery site. I do recommend you guys check the site out as their service was quick and you can just buy your own lottery ticket from the comfort of your home.

To those that have not won the lottery yet, I recommend you guys concentrate on what you want every day. Once you get that feeling of winning, buy it!! And may the universe grant you what you asked for.

